Rodzina Żalów podczas II wojny światowej mieszkała we wsi Grzymała w gminie Tuczępy. Znalazła u nich schronienie 4-osobowa rodzina Ledermanów: rodzice z synami Samuelem i Ezjelem oraz Estera Gutman, narzeczona Ezjela.
Samuel Lederman był szkolnym przyjacielem Antoniego Bogdana Żala. Jego rodzina wiedziała, że w trudnej sytuacji może zwrócić się do Żalów po pomoc. Poprosili o nią przed likwidacją getta w Chmielniku.
Żalowie ukrywali Żydów od 1942 r. do końca lipca 1944 r., za co zostali odznaczeni medalem Sprawiedliwych Wśród Narodów Świata w 1984 roku.
Po wojnie rodziny utrzymywały kontakt. Estera Lederman (z domu Gutman) kilkakrotnie odwiedzała Polskę i do dziś utrzymuje kontakt z rodziną Żalów.
Wspomnienia Estery Lederman:
English version:
Before the war, Antoni Bogdan Żal was a pre-high school pupil in Busko-Zdrój where he had a classmate friend – Samuel Lederman. Żal would also visited Lederman’s parents. When the war broke out, the Lederman family knew that they could count on the Żals’ help.
The Żal family lived in the village of Grzymała, Tuczępy commune; that was the hiding place for the Ledermans who had left Chmielnik shortly before the ghetto liquidation and the deportation of Jews to Treblinka. The Lederman family – the parents and two sons – Ezjel and Samuel were offered a hideout Żals’ house. A few days later, Estera Gutman – Ezjel’s fiancé knocked on the Żals’ family house’s door. Estera Gutman also asked for help. It was Ezjel who revealed where the hiding place was. The Żal family had discussed the whole matter and decided to offer their help to Estera too. From then on, there were the 5 people hidden in one house. The Jews were originally hidden in the house’s attic. It was Ezjel’s initiative to make an additional hiding place. The extra hideout was used in emergency situations, for example when the Germans called in the house. The other safe place was located under the empty room’s floor, the entry was concealed with a heap of potatoes.
The Żal family offered the Lederman family and Edzia Gutman (later wife of Ezjel) a shelter from 1942 to the end of July 1944. The Żals were awarded the Righteous Among the Nations medal in 1984.
The two families continued relations after the war’s end. And although the Ledermans emigrated to the United States, Antoni Bogdan Żal would visit the Ledermans. Also Estera Lederman (née Gutman) visited Poland several times. She still maintains contact with the Żal family.
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